Pregnant Woman Making Love In What Historical Moment Did Humankind Discovered That By Making Love Women Got Pregnant?
In what historical moment did humankind discovered that by making love women got pregnant? - pregnant woman making love
People thought that one at first. So early in fact, it is impossible to be precise. The evidence for the worship of Mother Earth shows more than 25 000 years ago that people understand the concept here.
I think this was long before people could write things, it would be impossible to know exactly where the people on the account. However, people made a breakthrough in methods of contraception at the time that the first project that we seemed to know what would be early in the evolution of man.
uh, when they began having sex ... duh. No offense, but I'm not in the Bible hype. The Garden of Eden: Africa, Eden mass. Africa = Garden of the earth, how on earth it is assumed that Adam and Eve the first people (lol) from Africa still PPL still exist? And if they were the first in the PPL Cain find his wife after his retirement when he killed his brother? Hmmmm. So basically, its simple. You do not need a religious text, common sense, if PPL started sex then started to notice. How are the first people to us? My guess is that God created them as boys .... No, believe, not really. He is white, black, newborns and Asia grew, children beaten and some of their children meet the other nations is so, then the Arabs came and came and generations, etc. .... lol. In dead earnest.
It was probably learn just after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, like all her children into the world.
1596th A year later he invented the condom, flax.
How in God's name, hoping no one knows the answer to this question? ") This of course is a history (before written history, there is no way to know the answer to this question. Even if you follow the theory of evolution, then it is likely that the knowledge of" first man "already knew that their Ancestors know. As the monkeys that sex during pregnancy results? Who knows? "I assure you
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